Category: Enlightenment

Quantum Physics of Eastern Philosophy

We see that just as Eastern philosophies as well as references in Western philosophy and theology have claimed, through an inquiry of the physical evidence of reality, that we are all connected and all one. Physics has demonstrated that quanta are the indivisible components of the physical, making up the components of atoms. This interpretation […]

Mind over Matter: How Conscious Thought Shapes Quantum Reality

Recently, Scientific American featured a presentation hosted by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics featuring author Lee Smolin to present his new book, “Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum”. The discussion questioned the quantum findings of observation being responsible to push quanta into a state noting the billions of years […]

From Quanta to Physical Reality

Quantum physics attempts to look at the vastness of this Metaverse, by breaking it down to the smallest units possible, or quanta, which is the unit of that measurement today. Laszlo defines quanta as packets of energy that have no specific form, though can take on a state of wave or particle in a multitude […]

The Akashic Field: A New Perspective on the Universe Through Science

The peer-reviewed article, “Review of Controlled Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program and Cardiovascular Disease; Risk Factors, Morbidity, and Mortality” by Kenneth G. Walton, Ph.D., Robert H. Schneider, MD, and Sanford Nidich, EdD, published in the National Institute of Health’s US National Library of Medicine, focuses on summarizing the effects of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) […]

Freedom’s Prelude: Embracing Enlightenment

In the boundless realm of human consciousness, there exists a profound journey towards a state of being that transcends the mundane and touches the very essence of our existence. It is a journey marked by the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, insight, and spiritual awakening—a journey known as Enlightenment. As we delve into the intricacies of […]

Perspectives on Enlightenment and Freedom

What is Enlightenment? Enlightenment refers to the action of elevating the state of being in understanding, insight, education, learning, knowledge, and awareness. In a spiritual context, especially in Buddhism, enlightenment represents the attainment of spiritual knowledge or insight, liberating a person from the cycle of rebirth. Historically, the term also refers to a European intellectual […]